Thursday, August 21, 2008

Why "Ghostbird"?

You might be wondering about the title of this blog. Not too long ago, I wrote a book called Chasing the Ghost Birds--Saving Swans & Cranes from Extinction, published in 2007. You can learn more about that at But that's not why I started this blog.

Up to now, I've been avoiding starting a blog. I have reasons: like a footprints-on-the-ceiling work load and the fact that "blog" sounds far too much like something Gollum would say.

But someone suggested I start a blog to share the tale of our recent trip to Ireland and Scotland. So, here I go, Jeanie. Of course, once that is posted (in installments), I'm sure the blank pages of this site will beckon to me, as any blank page tempts a writer. Thus I chose a title that will give me a little freedom.

Freedom, they say, is a more interesting game than power. Power is only about what you can control; while freedom is about what you can unleash. This could get way out of hand.

No worries,

1 comment:

Shari Voigt said...

David, You're off to a great start with this blog. I'm looking forward to reading more. So glad you decided to do this!